Monday, November 5, 2007

Virus-killing Laser?

During non-vaccinal research and treatment, Kong-Thon Tsen and his son, Shaw-Wei Tsen, a physicist and pathologist at John Hopkins University, have discovered a way to kill a common virus using very low powered lasers.

Ultra-short pulsing lasers (USP's) use very low amounts of energy that even when used on the surface of human skin, would not damage or emit radiation to the living cells. UV rays can harm the cells, as well as the surgical lasers used when removing certain cancers. USP's It can be used on samples of blood which may contain in it different types of viruses, known or unknown. The tranfusion of blood would be much more efficient They are currently working on testing the pulsing lasers on the HIV and Hepatitis viruses.

Raydiance is a USP manufacturer that just signed a deal with the Federal Drug Association this past July, funding research on other treatments using these lasers. The FDA claims that there may be hundreds of uses for this kind of technology just waiting to be discovered. Tsen stated that the laser breaks the protein shell that encases the viruses molecules, leaving behind the now-useless mucus.

Imagining that USP technology can somehow cure a vast number of viruses/bacteria gives a new look into the future of medicine/surgery and the longetivity of human life.

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