Sunday, September 23, 2007

Google Facing a $5 Billion Suit for intrusion of privacy?

A blog posted by Jacqui Cheng stated that a complaint has been filed against Google for invading a certain individual's privacy, Dylan Stephan Jayne. In his complaint he stated that there is a certain "Google Code" within his Social Security number when turned completely upside down, spelling "GoogleR". The plaintiff even goes as far as to claim that Google is supporting Terrorism because the information is readily available for any terrorist looking for a SSN.

These claims have been somewhat reviewed by Cheng and he had a hard time finding his claims to be real for the information when typed into a search engine would only come up with Dylan's own claims that he filed to the District of Pennsylvania.

I personally believe that there would be no significance in google coding anyone's SSN. I also believe it to be more apparent that a suit for 5 billion dollars against what other company than Google is outrageous because why would one individual ask for so much money? Jayne has not incurred any injuries at all, none of his family members or friends have been affected, and why should he receive such a large sum of money for a complaint such as this? I guess it's up to the courst, but in my opinion, I would like to know the result of the court trial because the situation seems quite ridiculous.

Cases like this makes you think, "What is the moral world coming to?" And actually, I'd say the world has always been like this. The only difference is that now, we're a little more technologically advanced, and for many people, money can be tighter than pants two sizes too small.

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